Forest Hills Metropolitan District (FHMD) is a Special District defined as a quasi-municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Colorado formed to provide necessary public services for an area that Jefferson County does not otherwise provide. We are a tax-exempt organization set up by the original home developers, for the installation, operation, and maintenance of public infrastructure including water and sewer systems, roads, gates, and common amenities.
FHMD is separate from the Homeowners Associations in the district. Although we share the common goal of benefitting all residents the covenants, architectural standards, resident events and other functions are managed by the HOAs.
Board of Director Meetings
The District is governed by an elected five-member Board consisting of residents who live within the district and volunteer their time. Elections are run according to State law. Regular Board Meetings are scheduled for the third Wednesday of every month at 5:30pm. All meetings are held on the Zoom app. Residents of the District can attend by signing into the Zoom app or by conference phone. We ask all residents to announce themselves at the start of the meeting so we can include a list of attendees in the Minutes of the meeting. Residents are encouraged to attend. The Agenda and Board Package will be available at least a day before the meeting.
According to State law, the Board may go into Executive Session, and exclude the public, for specific reasons where public knowledge of the topic would not be appropriate. No decisions can be reached while the Board is in Executive Session. Additional Special Meetings can be called by the Board as needed for urgent or special topics, with a minimum 24 hours’ notice. The time and location of all meetings are posted on this website.
District Funding
The District has two primary funding sources:
The Water & Sewer Fund is designed to be self-supporting by charging water and sewer fees to each resident that occupies a home in the District and appropriately budgeting expenditures. The Board reviews the usage fees and adjusts them, as necessary, to maintain a balanced budget.
Click here for the full FHMD 2024 Water & Sewer Rate Schedule
Click here for Appendix A, FHMD Schedule of Fees and Charges
Property taxes
The General Fund receives a portion of the Jefferson County property taxes, levied on District homeowners, and allocates the part of those taxes to the District determined by its approved mill rate.
Homeowner responsibilities toward the District
- Do not build or landscape on roadside or drainage easements without District approval.
- Do maintain culverts under driveways.
- Do not make major changes to the home or landscaping irrigation which would significantly increase water use without District approval, for example; pools, ponds, lawns, gardens.
- Shutting off water at the curb stop valve is to be performed by District personnel only.
- Do not repair or extend water or sewer lines without District approval.
- Digging more than 2 feet deep must be preceded by a utility locate by the District. Use the General Inquiry to request a utility locate.
- Homes must have a functioning Pressure Reducing Valve and backflow preventer.
- Only approved liquids may be deposited into sewers.
- Home access must be granted to District personnel to inspect and repair your water meter.